Spring 2020 Intake


Welcome to Grimsby Roller Derby!

Grimsby Roller Derby comprises of; the Grim Reavers A team (est in 2012), the Grim Reavers B team (est in 2019) and the Brothers Grim (est in 2014). We also play together in ‘Open to All (OTA)’ games as Grimsby Roller Derby.

In 2019, the Grim Reavers competed and won Tier 3 East British Roller Derby Championships. They will compete in Tier 2 East British Championships which starts in April 2020.

We will teach you everything you will need to know from kitting up to full contact and game-play scenarios.

If you do not want to play contact, please let us know and we can train you up to be a skating official (referee).

If you do not want to skate, please let us know and we can teach you all you need to know within our non-skating official roles.

We hope you enjoyed your first taster sessions and we would love to know your feedback! Please take this short survey to let us know your thoughts – here.


Facebook is our central hub of all our communication.

Please join Grimsby Roller Derby – Home to the Grim Reavers & Brothers Grim on facebook groups.

What is Roller Derby?

Minimum skills

Your GRD training is called your minimum skills. Within your minimum skills there are three levels:

  • Level 1 – intro to skating/falling/stopping
  • Level 2 – intermediate skating/falling/stopping
  • Level 3 – advance skating/falling/stopping and intro to contact

We advise that you spend at least an hour a week taking part in off skates exercise.


From October our training sessions are every Sunday at Grimsby Leisure Centre 09:30 – 12:30

  • 09:30 – 10:30: Skills
  • 10:30 – 11:30: Pre-mins and advanced session
  • 11:30 – 12:30: Advanced only

Once we feel you are competent enough, you will be invited to our second training session on Tuesdays at Cleethorpes Leisure Centre 20:00 – 22:00.

We ask you arrive approx. 10 minutes early to kit up so you are ready on track for the start of the training session.

You should bring plenty of water for each training session, along with comfortable clothes and suitable shoes. We also recommend you should wear tights/leggings underneath shorts to avoid abrasions to your legs.

A roll call is done on the facebook group the evening before training, please comment on this post if you can attend the training session. If you cannot attend, please let the head coach, Kirsty Douglas, know via private facebook message.


Subs are £4 per session until you pass your Level 2 minimum skill.

Once you have passed Level 2, the session price is increased to £7 or £25 per month.

We recommend you move onto our monthly subscription as it is cheaper and includes both weekly sessions throughout the month.

Subs can be paid by cash or via bank transfer, please speak to Charlotte Rendall to arrange.

All subs are used to cover the cost of hall hire and hosting bouts. All money raised is put back into the team for further development.


GRD will provide standard basic kit free of charge.

There is no time scale for when you need to buy your own, however, we advise you have full kit before you start the Tuesday training sessions. Due to our storage facilities, if you require kit on a Tuesday session, please let the head of training know in advance.

If and when you decide to buy your own kit, feel free to ask the team for advice as you can try our kit on for sizing and style. We can also advise on the best retailers for price and quality.

The compulsory components of any derby kit are as follows:

  • Skates
  • Knee pads
  • Elbow pads
  • Wrist guards
  • Helmet
  • Gum shield (required after level 2)
  • Black and white tops (required after level 2)

President Comments

Welcome adventurers.

We at GRD are thrilled you have said yes to giving roller derby a try. For many they have yet to find a passion and for us this is ours. We train together, we play together and we have fun together and we look forward to sharing that with you. Before I joined GRD I didn’t enjoy sport and here I am now passionate about this sport; President of Grimsby Roller Derby and a proud member of The Grim Reavers.

“But what if I fall? Oh but my darling, what if you fly?” – Erin Hanson

2019/20 GRD Committee



Gemma Skelhorn

#2319 Kittie Hitter

Vice President

Amy Hubbard

#232 Smash Brown


Charlotte Rendall

#4 Terror Rack

Head of Training

Jasmine Williams

#021 Rolldemort


Advanced Coach

Kirsty Douglas

#14 Kirst Blood

Advanced Coach

Paul Edwards

#2612 KP

Advanced Coach

Carl Lewington

#639 Carlossus

Advanced Coach

Scott Brodrick

#6 Broders

Advanced Coach

Natalie McCormack

#13 Frost Spite

Pre Mins Coach

Alannah Lawlor

#53 Sugar and Spite

Pre Mins Coach

Amy Hubbard

#232 Smash Brown

Pre Mins Coach

Charlotte Rendall

#4 Terror Rack

Pre Mins Coach

Gemma Skelhorn

#2319 Kittie Hitter

Pre Mins Coach

Jason Munro

#23 Jace WindU

Pre Mins Coach

Jasmine Williams

#021 Rolldemort

Pre Mins Coach

Kelly Docherty

#1503 Notorious D.O.C


Referee Leader

Gavin Thompson

Money Shot

NSO Leader

Kirsty Keogh

#81 Cursed

Game Day Leader

Peter Coultas


Head of Marketing

Charlotte Rendall

#4 Terror Rack


Amber Harris

#97 Princess Scariel



Jasmine Williams

#021 Rolldemort


Kirsty Douglas

#14 Kirst Blood

Line Up Manager

Michael Sarbutt

#66 Sarbutt

Line Up Manager Assist

Sophie Davenport

#89 Soph-ocate



Rebecca Kirk

#1022 Pony

Vice Captain

Eve Gormley

#1606 Lady MacDeath


Kirsty Douglas

#14 Kirst Blood

Echo Bench

Sarah Lou Campbell

#8 AsSazin

Line Up Manager

Charlotte Rendall

#4 Terror Rack

Line Up Manager Assist

Amy Hubbard

#232 Smash Brown



Michael Sarbutt

#66 Sarbutt

Vice Captain

Carl Lewington

#639 Carlossus


Kirsty Douglas

#14 Kirst Blood

Line Up Manager

Alannah Lawlor

#53 Sugar and Spite

Line Up Manager Assist

Jennie Harris

#1789 Jennie Dodger

Line Up Manager Assist

Kelly Docherty

#1503 Notorious D.O.C

We hope you’ll join our family.