May 2021
Well hello GRD! It’s so lovely to be back writing these newsletters again. This is a big one with a lot of information and guidance in, the committee would appreciated it if you would take the time to fully read and digest the full page. We are so excited to be back skating however, we need to ensure we are all aware of the new procedures and policies in place so we are all safe and compliant.
Contents of this newsletter:
- Return to play stages
- The current position – includes: booking sessions, subs, covid policies and transitioning to stage 3
- Expectations of skaters
- Kit cleaning guidelines
Return to play
Pre Return
GRD members will take responsibility for their own continuing development and fitness, in accordance with government policy regarding exercise/social distancing, with support and guidance from the coaching team.
Group acitivies allowed inside (Strict)
Small sessions max 15 people (level 2 mins passed +)
Social distancing required
No contact
Lateral flow tests with NHS app to enter
Group activities allowed inside (Flexible)
Larger sessions (all levels)
Social distancing required
No contact
Lateral flow test with NHS app to enter
Group activities allowed inside (No contact)
Unlimited group size
No social distancing
No contact
Spectators allowed
Any GRD member that has chosen to attend a non-GRD organised external game/scrim/training session prior to GRD entering stage 7 will need to have a negative covid lateral flow test result.
Group activities allowed inside (Contact permitted)
Unlimited group size
No social distancing
Return to full training as usual. Skaters who have yet to return to skating (in prior stages) will need to have a coach skills assessment to partake in training. This is to ensure their safety and the safety of other league members.
Any GRD member that has chosen to attend a non-GRD organised external game/scrim/training session prior to GRD entering stage 7 will need to have a negative covid lateral flow test result.
Return to play (Local)
We will work closely with local leagues to potentially create a small pool of teams to play each other as long as cases are low in their local area. There will be an expectation that all leagues would agree to mutual safety guidelines.
AKA: HARD, TIL, York Minxters/York Monsters
Any GRD member that has chosen to attend a non-GRD organised external game/scrim/training session prior to GRD entering stage 7 will need to have a negative covid lateral flow test result.
Return to play (National)
This means we will be able to resume normal gameplay, attend open games/mixed games, host public games and take part in tournaments and championships.
Skaters will be able to take part in external GRD events without lateral flow tests.
GRD return to play
If you would like to view the full GRD return to play document, please visit it here: GRD return to play
Current position – stage 2
We are returning every Sunday in June starting on Sunday 6th June. Sessions will be for 2 hours 10:00 – 12:00 during stage 2.
Stage 2 means we will only be allowed a maximum of 17 skaters per session. There will be 2 slots available for coaches who will also be the covid representatives for the session and 15 slots available to skaters over level 2 mins passed.
Please arrive before 10am, the leisure centre are kindly letting us in from 9:30am so we will have a little extra time.
The coach will be posting the register on facebook on a Thursday evening and the skater slots will be available on first come first served basis.
We will be sending new waivers out electronically which will need to be completed prior to your first training session.
Due to the limited group size, we are requiring members to pay per session to ensure we have enough funds to cover the cost of the hall. Sessions will be £6 per session and payment is due prior to the session to secure your slot.
Payment for the session will be due on the Friday night before training. Charlie will then be checking payments on Saturday to ensure slots are secured and chase/cancel unpaid slots.
If payment is not made in time, the slot will be available to the next person on the register.
The committee will review this policy inline with the stage changes.
Covid policies
Upon arrival you will be greeted by one of two Covid reps for the session who will check your NHS app for your lateral flow results. You will then be requested to check in the track and trace using the QR code.
You will then need to sit on your designated seat which will have been cleaned prior to your arrival, until the session begins.
The Saturday prior to training the two covid reps will gather the local information regarding rates of infection within areas of our skaters and consult the most up to date training information from roller derby governing bodies and government law. They will then report them to the training committee and agree whether training should go ahead. If not members who reserved places will get priority the next week.
Lateral flow tests
In order to attend a session you will need to do a lateral flow test at least 2 days prior the training session and input the details on to the NHS track and trace app. You will not be allowed in the training session if you cannot show this on entrance. We will be taking into consideration if people are taking regular testing for employment; proof will still be required on the NHS app.
To order lateral flow tests please visit:
Please let someone know if you do not have access to order these and we can arrange for a drop off.
Transitioning to stage 3
We are hoping that from Sunday 4th July we will be allowed all skaters back with no minimum attendee threshold. Sessions will remain for 2 hours 10:00 – 12:00 throughout July. Sessions will then be extended in August for 3 hours 9.30am -12.30pm.
Subs will be assessed closer to the time, but we are hoping that once we have full attendee sessions again, monthly subs will begin. At the moment we are sticking with all payments are required by bank transfer.
Expectations of skaters
As we return to training, the committee wishes to implement the following strategies and we expect all members of Grimsby Roller Derby to adhere to. Members must always adhere to our Code of Conduct, Code of ethics and our mission statement as well as these new expectations:
- Members must adhere to GRDs risk assessment including social distancing and regular hand washing at training sessions or events
- Members must be honest about any and all Covid-19 symptoms they experience once training resumes and disclose this to the Covid-19 risk assessment manager and their coach
- Do not attend any GRD training sessions or events if you display symptoms of having Covid-19. Stay at home until you have either had a negative covid test or completed the government recommended period for self isolation.
- Do not endanger other members of the team by knowingly socialising with people displaying Covid-19 symptoms, unless wearing adequate PPE and then attending a training session or event before completing the Government guidance for period of isolation
- To maintain high standards of personal hygiene, ensure all personal equipment is adequately cleaned and or sterilised prior to attending training sessions where others may come into contact with it.
- Avoid contact unless first aid is required then please refer to the first aid procedures regarding covid 19.
Cleaning your kit