July and August 2019
Double whammy!
Where has the past two months gone? We have had a busy couple of months and it’s only going to get busier with the lead up to Christmas. We are sorry for the missing July newsletter, however, it just means that the August newsletter is jammed packed!
Congratulations to the Grim Reavers for winning the Tier and securing a promotion to Tier 2!
We have now shared the October intake event on Facebook – please make sure you are liking and sharing this as much as possible – you can find the event here. The marketing team are working on getting some leaflets and posters printed.
Thank you to all that attended the GRD league meeting. Those who did not can find the minutes here. We have published the league accounts below for the period February – July 2019 for full transparency.
Sunday training sessions are being extended from 2 hours to 3 hours. This will commence on Sunday 27th October.
Pre-Mins training will be 09:30 – 11:30
Advanced training will be 10:30 – 12:30
The first hour will be skills based for pre-mins, however, advanced skaters are also welcome. The second hour will be run the same as always, with pre-mins at the side and the final hour will be solely for advanced skaters. Pre-mins are welcome to stay and help out with NSOs/reffing roles.
July & August

Chaos Engine
Cast your minds back to the beginning of July when Chaos Engine travelled all the way from Manchester to challenge our Brothers.
It was a tough game but the Brothers secured a win! Thank you to everyone that came to help!
The Brothers Grim 145 – Chaos Engine 127
Best Jammer – Jace Wind U
Best Blocker – Blockteaser
MVP – Broders
Shiny corner
Congratulations to Peter Coultas and Louise Caster on passing their level 1 minimum skills and a special congratulations to Sarbutt who passed his level 3 and is became a fully fledge Brother!

Cats V Dogs
Murder Death Kill and Pony got to play for Team Dog on the famous purple track in July at Rainy City’s skater debut.
Congratulations Murder Death Kill on your MVP Shiny!

Roller Derby Leicester
The Grim Reavers took on their final challenge of British Championships 2019 in York against Roller Derby Leicester earlier this month. Not only did they manage a win, but it was the biggest point difference game in Tier 3 East.
This secured The Grim Reavers the number one spot in Tier 3 East, as well as, the top spot in the whole of Tier 3 and a very well deserved promotion to Tier 2!
Thank you to all those that came to cheer them on and well done to Charlotte Pimpernel for her excellent jamming debut in the final jam of the season!!
The Grim Reavers 416 – Roller Derby Leicester 58
Best Jammer – Charlotte Pimpernell
Best Blocker – Blockteaser
MVP – Notorious D.O.C
Coaches award – AsSazin
Inhuman Angels
This summer we also played our first game officially as Grimsby Roller Derby! We took on the Inhuman Angels, an incredible mash up of The Inhuman League and Hulls Angels. Unfortunately, we did not take home a win but we had a great day and we put up a bloody good fight!
Grimsby Roller Derby 162 – Inhuman Angels 220
Best Jammer – Sarbutt
Best Blocker – Smash Brown
MVP – Rolldemort
Spirit of the game – Chilli Pepper
Presidents Comments
Champions ♡♡
Congratulations to The Grim Reavers on their championship win. Your win is a true testament to your passion, determination and dedication to the sport and to your team. Keep that fire alive and show tier 2 that The Grim Reavers are there to win in 2020.
Thanks to the coaches for bringing our game to tier 2 and to Jasmine for leading your Reavers to victory! I want to thank each official who supported us through champs, to Amy and Kirsty for being our champs rep and to Sharon Scrimshaw for being our champs official rep and sticking with us for this season. It’s Sharon’s last season as Head NSO and we appreciate all you do and have done for GRD Sharon, thank you.
I’ve been very proud of GRD this season. Witnessed GRD play with passion. Seen support of our Brothers and Reavers on and off track and that is what it’s all about. I’m really feeling the love at GRD right now and with our chartering, intake and elections all coming up i’m excited to be a part of GRDs future and happy to see it evolving and growing.
Exciting times ahead, Love, peace and time outs.
September 2019 Calender
Year of the Reaver
09:30 – 11:30
20:00 – 22:00
Announcement of committee elections
09:30 – 11:30
20:00 – 22:00
09:30 – 11:30
20:00 – 22:00
09:30 – 11:30
Training – Committee elections open
20:00 – 22:00
12:00 – 17:00
Lily Gaskell Bootcamp
GRD Accounts

Assets – Items you own
Liabilities – Items you owe
Debtors – People who owe you money
Creditors – People you owe money to
Equity – The value of GRD
The profit and loss is for the period 5th February (the date that Charlie took over as treasurer) to 31st July 2019. During this period, we have covered all of our costs and made an overall profit (surplus) of £924.42. As we have made a surplus we are able to fund the additional hours training on Sunday without increasing our monthly subs. We will be reviewing the accounts again at the end of the year to ensure all costs are being covered.
The balance sheet is showing the position of GRD as at 31st July 2019. On this date, we had total assets of £5,282.60 and total liabilities of £1,050.00. As discussed at the League meeting, Charlie and Gemma have managed to release almost £2,000 from the GRD paypal account which was locked circa 2016. At the end of July we owed £1,050 to the leisure centres for June and July hall hire; we had not received the July invoices at the time the accounts were prepared. The June invoices have since been paid and the July invoices will be paid over the next couple of weeks.
If you have any queries on the above, please speak to Charlie.
We want to wish a special Happy Birthday to our August and September birthdays:
04/08/2019 Charlotte Rendall & Marc Williams
05/08/2019 Carl Lewington
15/08/2019 Michael Lee-Hodges
17/08/2019 Eve Gormley
02/09/2019 Michael Sarbutt
04/09/2019 Rebecca Kirk
15/09/2019 Alannah Lawlor
18/09/2019 Charlotte Timmerhues
27/09/2019 Charlotte Barton
We hope you have the best day!